About Me :)

                                          Hey! I am Emma!
My name is Emma! I am a Daughter,Sister,Neice,Aunt,Grand daughter,Cousin and a friend:) I live in Virginia. My family are christians and we ALL love God with all of out hearts and souls. I am a figure skater  And Iam going into some shows this winter ;) And OF COURSE I LOVE american girl dolls! Me, Addy, Edaline and Amber want to make this blog the best we can so I hope you all enjoy it!
   Ok So here is 200 other things about me!
200. My middle name is: Starts with a F.
199. I was born in: don't need to share
198. I am really: Creative.
197. My cellphone company is: Verizon
196. My eye color is: Hazel
195. My shoe size is: 4
194: My ring size is: 6 or 7
193. My height is: Over 4'5
192. I am allergic to: Dust,Pollen. Dogs,Cats,Bunnys,pretty much any animal!
191. My 1st car was: I don't drive.
190. My 1st job was: I babysit sometimes. Does that count?
189. Last book you read: Diary of a Wimpy Kid:Cabin Fever (for the 2nd time!
188. My bed is: Comfortable.
187. My pet: A half poodle quarter pomerianian and quarter chihuahua.
186. My best friend: Don't know if I can say...
185. My favorite shampoo is: Garnier Fructis.
184. AIM name: I don't know what that is!
183. Piggy banks are: awesome, as long as they're filled up.
182. In my pockets: A Gum wrapper.
181. On my calendar: Ice Skating competition, Find out what my sister's baby is, When my sis will come viset. when my bro will come viset
180. Marriage is: Umm....I'm not sure I'm not married!
179. Spongebob can: Do anything, really, because her aint real.
178. My mom: is CRAZY. In a good way ;)
177. The last three Cd's I bought were: None I've never bought a CD!
176. Last YouTube video watched: Whats in my Zuca bag.
175. How many cousins do you have? Can't count.
174. Do you have any siblings? OH YEAH!
173. Are your parents divorced? No way!
172. Are you taller than your mom? No, but almost!
171. Do you play an instrument? Yep. Guitar.
170. What did you do yesterday? Went to a field day at a homeschool co-op. And went to my bff's house with my other bff.

[ I Believe In ]
169. Love at first sight:
168. Luck: More in God's will.
167. Fate: IDK.
166. Yourself: Yup.
165. Aliens: Nope.
164. Heaven: Absolutely.
163. Hell: Yeah...
162. God: Yessiree.
161. Horoscopes: IDK
160. Soul mates: IDK
159. Ghosts: YES...
158. Marriage: Yes!
157. War: nooo
156. Orbs: IDK
155. Magic: Nope ID think so.

[ This or That ]
154. Hugs or Kisses:
153. Drunk or High: SKIP
152. Phone or Online: BOTH
151. Red heads or Black haired: Red:)
150. Blondes or Brunettes: BLONDE IAM BLONDE!
149. Hot or cold: Cold!
148. Summer or winter: Winter all the way!
147. Autumn or Spring: Fall
146. Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate for sure at aboulute positive.
145. Night or Day: Day.Night. it really depends!
144. Oranges or Apples:  Oranges.
143. Curly or Straight hair: Curly
142. McDonald's or Burger King: Uhhhh...... I guess McDonalds I just love their iced tea ;)
141. White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: White Chocolate
140. Mac or PC: IDK
139. Flip flops or high heels: Flip flops.
138. Ugly and rich OR cute and poor: What the heck?
137. Coke or Pepsi: Eww I am about to BARF.
136. Hillary or Obama: Let me pass that one.
135. Buried or cremated: Buried.
134. Singing or Dancing: Dancing.
133. Coach or Chanel: IDK
132. Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: IDK
131. Small town or Big city: Small town.
130. Wal-Mart or Target: Target.
129. Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: don't know and don't care.
128. life or death: Life!
127. East Coast or West Coast: EAST!
126. Your Birthday or Christmas: Birthday!
125. Chocolate or Flowers: CHOCOLATE!
124. Disney or Six Flags: Disney.
123. Yankees or Red Sox: DON'T CARE!!

[ Here's What I Think About ]
122. War:
121. George Bush: Umm no not yet at least.
120. Marriage:  No
119. The presidential election: Well I just don't want Obama to win...
118. Abortion: Is murder.
117. MySpace: I dont have a Myspace
116. Reality TV: Yeah i guess
115. Parents: GOTTA LOVE EM!
114. Back stabbers:  Uhhh... No
113. EBay: EBAY!!!! EBAY!!! EBAY!! i luv ebay:)
 112. Mean People: Are mean duh ppl!
111. Work:  No.
110. My Neighbors: I don't talk to them at all.
109. Gas Prices: Need to go down/
108. Designer Clothes:  Like em, but, to much $$$$$
107. College: Dont desire to go.
106. Sports: ICE SKATING!!!!!!!!!!.
105. My family: is amazing.
104. The future: i dont know anything or everything about it!
[ Last time I ]
103. Hugged someone:
Couple hours ago.
102. Last time you ate: few mis ago.
101. Saw someone I haven't seen in awhile: My sis is comoing in from PA tonight!.
100 Cried in front of someone:  Just this moring. haha..
99. Went to a movie theater:  To see Nanny Mcphee returns.
98. Took a vacation: August to NC's OUTER BANKS!
97. Swam in a pool: Just today!
96. Changed a diaper:  Today AGAIN!
95. Got my nails done: Never! I've done my own!
94. Went to a wedding:  last,last august.
93. Broke a bone:  Never but i almost broke my arm the night b4 last!
92. Got a piercing: Don't have one.
91. Broke the law: Uh, never.
90. Texted: Couple hours ago. i <3 texting.
[ MISC ]
89. Who makes you laugh the most: My bro,
88. Something I will really miss when I leave home is: My family.
87. The last movie I saw:  Molly: An American girl on the Homefront.
86. The thing that I'm looking forward to the most: Ballet this summer!
85. The thing I'm not looking forward to:  right now IDK
84. People call me: Emma, Em.
83. The most difficult thing to do is: try a new ice skating move right now I am working on toe-loops and Sal-cows
82. I have gotten a speeding ticket: Don't drive.
81. My zodiac sign is: Don't know, don't care.
80. The first person i talked to today was: My Mom
79. First time you had a crush: Never had one.
78. The one person who I can't hide things from: my mom i guess
77. Last time someone said something you were thinking: ummm I cant remember.
76. Right now I am talking to: this laptop.
75. What are you going to do when you grow up: B a pro ice skater!
74. I have/will get a job: I babysit.
73. Tomorrow: Is Saturday
72. Today: is Friday
71. Next Summer: Is in a few days
70. Next Weekend: I am not sure
69. I have these pets: A dog.
68. The worst sound in the world: someone barfing.
67. The person that makes me cry the most is:  my mom.
66. People that make you happy: My family.
65. Last time I cried: Just this moring again.
64. My friends are: Cool
63. My computer is: A HP laptop.
62. My School: Is at home.
61. My Car: I don't drive. 
60. I lose all respect for people who:  are super mean.
59. The movie I cried at was:  I actually teard up when I was watching AG Felicity......
58. Your hair color is: Blonde:)
57. TV shows you watch:  Spongebob, Phineas & Ferb, Fish Hooks, Hoarders, 19 kids and counting,
Extreme couponing, Gravity Falls (Thats a weird show..)
56. Favorite web site:  Idk..
55. Your dream vacation: Hawaii!!!!!!!!
54. The worst pain I was ever in was:  When i had a migrain:(
53. How do you like your steak cooked:  not very rare.
52. My room is: Kinda clean.
51. My favorite celebrity is: IDK
50. Where would you like to be: Right now? Ice Skating
49. Do you want children: Yup, of course when i am older!
48. Ever been in love: Nope!
47. Who's your best friend: I have a few close friends.
46. More guy friends or girl friends:  Girls!
45. One thing that makes you feel great is: Ice skating!!!!!!
44. One person that you wish you could see right now: My Sister!
43. Do you have a 5 year plan: Huh?
42. Have you made a list of things to do before you die:  noooooooo.....
40. Last person I got mad at: Probably My Mom..
39. I would like to move to: NO WHERE!!!! i dont like change!
38. I wish I was a professional:  Ice Skater!
[ My Favorites ]
37. Candy:
Hersheys Dark or white chocolate!
36. Vehicle: Dodge.
35. President: Not Obama I know that!
34. State visited: NC  PA and VA
33. Cellphone provider: Apple.
32. Athlete: IDK. and IDC!
31. Actor: IDK.
30. Actress: dunno
29. Singer: dunno...
28. Band: dunno.
27. Clothing store: Aeropostale,Hollister,abercrombie, Chloe Noel
26. Grocery store: Sharp Shopper i guess..
25. TV show: Fish Hooks.
24. Movie: All of the AG movies.
23. Website: Dunno.........
22. Animal: Dogs.
21. Theme park: dunno.......
20. Holiday: Thanksgiving, New years eve, Halloween.
19. Sport to watch: Ice skating
18. Sport to play: Ice skating
17. Magazine: AG
16. Book:AG books!
15. Day of the week: Monday!
14. Beach:  outer Banks!
13. Concert attended:   never been to one!
12. Thing to cook: Cupcakes
11. Food:  Mac-n-cheeze!
10. Restaurant: Cracker Barrel.
9.Radio station: K-love, Spirit FM.
8. Yankee candle scent: Orange Creamcicle.
7. Cologne: NONE.
6. Flower:  Daffodills.
5. Color:  LIME GREEN & yellow:)
4. Talk show host: hahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahah NONE.
2. Dog breed: Chihuahua totally!
1. Are you ready for this survey to be over? OH YEAH!